Thank You God

9:06 AM

Dear God
Today, I want to say my thank you. 
I want to tell Your kindness, Your abundant grace that never stop flowing in my life.
Thank you God for every blessing so I can live 'til today.
Thank you for the health.
Thank you for the daily food that is enough and even exceed from what I need.
Thank you for a warm house every night.
Thank you for the car You've provided.
Thank you for work activities you have entrusted to me.
Thank you for every enjoyment You've given: A holiday, laughter, smile. 

Dear God,
I am not deserved, but You are full of grace
You've put faith in my heart, so I can know You and have a relationship with you.
You've trusted the ministry for me to serve.
You've put the people in my life, because You work in my life through them.
Thank you God for my family
Thank you God for my friends
Thank you for every kindness I've received from people around

Dear God, You are so good,
I am thankful for every lesson You have taught me, through every process You've put in my life. I believe those are for good purpose You've set before.
I am thankful for the NO answer from God for my every wish, for I know nothing about my life.
I am thankful for every tear, for in tear I know God is always beside me to wipe away my tear.
I am thankful for every failure I ever did, for I know I am live in the grace that I am given a second chance.
I am thankful for Your help and every "coincidence" that You arrange at the time I am powerless.
I am so thankful for the hard circumstance for it mold my character to become the one You created for.

Thank you for taking care of my life, wherever I go, whatever I do, whomever I meet. You never loose your sight from every single details in my life.
I love you Jesus❤️

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