When we open our mouth...

2:06 PM

Now a days, we often hear about white lies. Someone ever told me that white lies are allowed for it is for a good purpose. First time I heard about that, I hesitate, is it true? I assume it is okay and no problem, because it is looked "acceptable" and everyone does it. So I also do that. Sometimes, I tell a white lie. But there is something inside my heart. I don't know, I just don't feel peace whenever I tell a white lie. Not a big matter actually. I am not telling a lie to hide my crime, I just sometimes tell my beloved people that I am okay, in fact I am not. I just don't want them to worry about me, so I tell them a white lie. Whenever people ask me about my comment, I don't want to offend them, so I tell a lie- a white lie-

For many times, I heard a sermon about lie. But I don't get the specific order that mention about white lie. Then I decide to do a bible study about it. Thank to God I found it. So grateful God had given us a manual book that can guide us and tell us everything we need to know in our life (So we now know that we can find anything in the bible, Our Father's love letter, take the time to read it ^^). It is written in the Proverb 4:24, "Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies and gossip." (The Messenger). So, sin is a sin, tough it is small or big, God considers it as a sin. 

As I continue my bible study, I am very interested in the this theme. So I take more time to learn about lips, words and its sin. My study led me into one conclusion : 
 "When words are many, transgression is not lacking...." (Proverb 10:19, English Standard Version)

If we talk too much, we will find out some topic to talk about. It will end up in the unworthy words and it tends to be a sin. We will say something unnecessary, meaningless, and useless. It turn in to gossip or in to curse. It should not be happened. With our tongue we bless God our father; but with the same tongue we say something bad about - or even curse-  the very men and women He made in His image. 

Moreover, in many talks, our words may be uncontrolled and it may hurt someone. We often say something we don't mean to say, especially in anger or in quarrel. Tongue is compared to the sharp razor. A spoken words will never turn back. As it went out from the lips, it would be heard and we could not take it back. The people who get hurt with our words may forgive us, but they would never forget it. It is like a breaking glass. We may stick it back with a glue, but we still have the mark in it.  

Tongue is a small part in our body, yet many people regard it as sharp as a knife. The bible said it can boast nearly anything, or destroy anything (James 3;5). We must be careful with every word come out from our lips. It can turn to be a blessing or be a curse. As a woman, I realize that this is the area where I struggle the most. I remember the study of researcher who found that,  for a day woman speaks approximately three times more than a man, it is about fifteen thousand words. But it is not to say that men have no struggle with lips. We knew that Isaiah had a problem with his lips. In the first chapter of Isaiah we could see that he was given a words by God for people of Judah, yet in the chapter 6 he confessed he still had a sin in his lips.  "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips..." (Isaiah 6:5 ESV).  Even he was prophet, God spokesman, he still fell in the lips sin. 

Everyday we need to ask God to give us a wisdom to say every word worthy. As David ask God to watch his lips, and so do we. We need God to watch our lips, that everything we say can turn in to blessing. Whenever we open our mouth, our words encourage and inspire many people, and above all, it lead people to give honor to Our God.

"If you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman." (Jeremiah 15:21, NIV)

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