The Reasons for Our Dream.

11:20 AM

Do you have a dream? I do. I have a dream that one day I could take my parent go to Korea for holiday. I have a dream that someday I could be a business woman who own many line of business. I want that I could go to USA for holiday, and I really wish that I may visit Israel. That’s all my dreams. But, at one point of my life, I think that I am too greedy. The worst, I ever think that I am a sinner. I am not grateful for what God has given to me, that I still want more. All I think is me and my self. Until one day, I read a prayer journal that talk about dream. It stated that “your dream is there for a reason”. I don’t understand. What reason behind my dream which want to go to USA for holiday? If I could say, it is so “secular”.

I wonder if only me who have many dream, so one day I asked five different persons to prove it and I figured out this. The first person, he said that he wanted to live simply, everything goes well, and every need is met. The second person gave me an answer that she wanted to become a good wife for her husband and a good mom for her children. The next person said that she wanted to become a great ballerina. Another man said that he wanted to travel the world. The last person said she wanted to be a scientist, find a medicine for cancer.  
*the picture is not mine*

This is amazing. God has given everyone a dream, and it is different from one to another. The dream we have in our heart and our mind is unique. You know what? That means something and I understand now that it is true God put each of us a dream for reasons.
A calling
We are assigned for good work that God has ordained from the beginning. (Ephesians 2:9), The good work that God assigned for us is different from one to another, it is include our calling and our tasks. That's why God put different dream for each of us.  

A dream to keep living
Let’s look into Joseph’s life (Genesis 37-45). Joseph’s life was kinda awful. His brothers hated him, and sold him for a penny. He was a slave and maligned. He had to be trapped in the jail for many years, and was forgotten. All of the trials he faced could not put him down, because he had a dream. He believed the dream was given from God, and he keep it in mind that God was the one who wanted him to have that dream. That dream kept Joseph alive. Because of that dream, when something bad happened to his life, he knew that it was not the ending. God had not finished yet with his life until his dream came true.

Not to be scattered away
Proverb 29:10 says that when people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild (New Living Testament). When we don’t have a dream or a vision, we have nothing to reach. Our life will be like a ship tossed by the wind, go north and south, west and east, not heading to any place. That is why, God sows a dream in our heart. A dream is one of the way God direct our life which is ultimately making us to become His partner to do a good work in this world.

Soli Deo Gloria
 “everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:7 New International Version)
Above everything, we are created, formed and made for His glory. All we have belong to God, God of heaven and God of the earth, as well as our dream. It is not wrong if we want to travel the world to see the splendor of God, who created the universe and its contain. It should be credited to God who gives us the wisdom to create an art and show it, if our dream is to become a ballerina, a photographer, or an artist. Even in a dream to become a good mother and wise wife, the Glory is His who strengthen all the women to teach the children to be a godly children.

Our God, is not the God who requires us to do everything He orders as if He were a dictator ruler, who exercise his authority over us. Rather, He is pleasant to see us enjoy our life with Him. And  I pretty sure, He enjoys making our dream come true. The dream that God places in our heart is not a mistake. He wants us to have that desire to inspire us, to encourage and to excite us. Ask Him to give you the wisdom, ask Him to accompany you to make the dream He gave you come true. So finally we can say “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise” (1 Chronicles 16:25 NIV).

And the peace of God, which transcend all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7 NIV)
thank you for reading and sharing, may this become a blessing for you.
God Bless

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