3 Important Things About Calling

5:51 PM

I believe that everyone has it's own calling. Its different from one to another. One may be called to be a business (wo)man, other may be a great doctor, and the other may be a full-timer serve God in the church. Whatever it is, there is an ultimate purpose God has appointed for each of us to do a good work that God has prepared for. I have written about this in my previous blog, What's your purpose of life, and today I want share more about the calling. I once was confuse with what is my calling. I understand that God's calling is a process. As I ask God for the clarity of the calling, I found 3 important things about the calling.  

1. We are called to be His image bearer
Firstly, our identity is that we were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). Our calling is based on our identity. His calling for each of us is to be His image bearer, whatever our job is. We are called out to shine toward other so they can see and glorify Him (Matt 5:13-16). God is love, God is faithful, God is full of mercy. Our life, and our calling as well, must represent the character of God. 

2. Our story is the way how God shape our calling
I believe that God use our story of life to shape our calling. Our experiences may lead us to understand God's calling. In Mark 5:1-20, we know that Jesus restored a demon-possessed man. In verse 19, Jesus told the man to tell to the people how much The Lord had done for him and how much he had the mercy on his life. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4,  Paul wrote that what he had experienced , he was comforted by God so he might comfort others. 

God may use our experiences to help us to find out what our calling is. When it comes to living out our calling, our story is an important part of God's story. The specific ways God has worked in our life are tangible examples of his love and faithfulness that God wants us to share it. Take a look back what God has done in your life, write down what you had experienced. 

3. In every calling, God's equipped us
When God calls us, He must have equipped us with some gifts and abilities. It is written clearly in the Exodus 31:1-11. 
Then the Lord said to Moses, "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills-- to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts."

See! When God call us, God has already equipped us with everything we need to fulfill His calling, to do His work. There is no doubt we got a skills. Each of us has talents, either it is one, five or ten. 
Do not say that you are not talented, you can not do anything. He always finishes what He has started. Whenever He calls you, He must have prepared you to do that task.

To find out the calling is a journey. It will not appear in instant way. The calling itself will not come for nothing. That calls must be the way to bear the image of God, to do the good work and fulfill His purpose. God can work through everything, our story is one of them. He uses our experiences to lead us the our calling. When we live out our calling, He has prepared everything in advance. He will not call us if He is not sure we can do that or not. He will not call us if we are not capable of. Certainly, He equips us with the gifts and the abilities to do His work, to live out His calling.

Dear God,
give the clarity to find out our calling,  a courage and strong faith to live out Your calling, and a graceful response for your calling. 

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