The Will of God

11:42 AM

Have you ever questioned how to know whether we are in the will of God or not. If you are now working, is your job part of the will of God? If you are in relationship, is s(he) the one that God want you to be with? 

How do we know that we are in will of God? I jump in to a deep reflection for this question. We know that barely God speaks in audible way. For just some case He speaks directly, but mostly He does in another way that we may get confuse. Then I remember the story of exodus. 

When Moses were commanded to guide the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to the promise land, he doubted it (Exodus 3).  The situation at that time were hard to believe that God wanted he and His chosen nation (The Israelites) out from Egypt. Pharaoh the king's heart was hardened and would not let them go. Because it was history, we knew the ending of the story. The Exodus was part of God's will and God's plan. But now, how we could be sure to know what God's will is.  

I found that we can learn 3 things from the story of Exodus to the Promise Land and the life of Moses.
1. Ask for sign(s)
When we are confuse, we are allowed to ask for sign(s). He will reveal His thought. Moses was in doubt. He felt that God's command were so unbelievable. He knew how was he, and he knew who was ruling over the Israelites, Pharaoh who had the hardened heart. So when he got God's command to take His people out from Egypt, Moses was in argument with God. He also did ask the signs from God, and He gave the powerful signs for him so he could no more dodge the task (Exodus 4). He is the God who give to whoever ask and open to whoever knock. But once God give His sign(s), we have to have a gentle heart to submit and obey. 

2. Search Him and have a deep relationship with God
Moses had a deep relationship with God. He often went up to the mountain to find God. When he was with God, God revealed Himself. God confided many things to him. He told Moses how to judge people (Exodus 18), He told Moses how to lead The Israelites (Exodus 19), He gave His 10 commandments (Exodus 20). 

We can find God in prayer, in devotion, in fasting. We can meet Him through praise and worship we lift up.  We can know the will of God, we can understand His plan when we are close to Him. 

"The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant" (Psalm 25:14, English Standard Version). 

3. There is a perfect peace
When God told Moses to go out from Egypt, He did not say even a word that God would make it easy. He said that He will hardened Pharaoh's heart. God also did not say that He would take the Israelites fly to the Promise Land, but God let them wander in the desert. Moses realized it well. He calmed the Israelites when they were grumbling and groaning because he first calmed and assured by God that God Himself will lead them and deliver them. 

Exodus 6:6-8
" I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgement. I will take you to be my people and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord you God, who has brought you out form under the burdens of the Egyptians. I will ring you into the land that I swore to give...."

Many things may be an obstacle to our journey. It leads us sometimes to confusion and frustration. But one thing we can sure with that if we are walking in the will of God, there is a perfect peace and faith. Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the Presence of Christ. We could feel that God walks with us and God blesses us. Like Moses, he could feel peace, day by day by the care of God (10 Plagues, parted sea, manna, pillars of cloud and fire).

Let the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.

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