What You Have to Believe...

2:42 PM

Sometimes, life doesn't take you where you want to go. Life doesn't bring you a goodness. What you plan doesn't work as smooth as you expect. Behold, do not give up or even lose your hope. Do 3 steps of faith below, and you will find out that you are racing for something worth it.

1.Believe that God has chosen you 

Remember the story of Joseph. He chose and appointed Joseph among his 11 brothers to do a great thing. He gave Joseph the vision to rescue his nation from a great famine.
Believe the vision which God has put in your heart. Don't let the vision be faded by anything. He chose you. He wanted you. He set you where you are now (John 15:16). Maybe you are now dumped off in the wrong workplace. Or maybe you had took a wrong path, and get lost. You are far away from that vision. Just keep that vision alive in your heart. Just believe that God who has appointed you, will fulfill the vision He has put in your heart. His vision is a great thing that you can never imagine what will it bear. Just be strong and courageous!

2. Believe that God has intervened in everything 
Back to the story of Joseph, he had waited almost 13 years to God's plan worked well in his life. Nothing good happened in his life. It feels like what kind of great thing God can do through his condition. He was sold by his own brothers, he was accused and imprisoned. But all the evil plan for him God used to his goods. All the condition Joseph faced, all were prepared to test his faithfulness and his purity. All that process he was going through had changed him from an arrogance boy to the humble man.  
Believe that God knows everything about you. He knows what you feel, how hard your life, and how struggle you are. He has intervened in everything, in every circumstance we face (Romans 8:28). You may think it is so bad, but God can turn it into good. He just want you to take the process. The process with Him so that you may be pure, be the stronger person, and be the best of you. Just be faithful and true!

3. Believe that God's plan never fail in your life
The end of Joseph's story is God used Joseph to save his family and nation.
God will finish what He has started (Philippians 1:6). Continue to believe and proclaim God's vision from the day you heard it right up to the present. God who began the great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish. His plan for you will never fail. No one or not even anything could drive you away from the future that God has plan for you (Isaiah 14:27). Just trust Him and stay in hope!

Let the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.

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